If you have any of the documents listed below and you can meet the submission requirements listed on the right, you may Apply Online or come to our office.
If your documents are not listed here please upload them using our Inquiry Form. We will respond to your inquiry by email.

Secondary Education
Required Documents
Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate
Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE)
How to Apply
Option 1: Request certificates to be mailed directly to Globe Language Services
People who took examinations with Caribbean Examinations Council can order them at cxc.org
People who took examinations with the University of Cambridge, the University of London and other UK organizations can request them from Overseas Examination Commission

Post-Secondary Education
Required Documents
Associate Degree
Issued by the university
Bachelor's Degree
Issued by the university
Master's Degree
Issued by the university
How to Apply
Option 1: Request certificates to be mailed directly to Globe Language Services from the University
Option 2: Bring in or mail all original certificates to our office

Option 1: Request certificates to be mailed directly to Globe Language Services from the University
Option 2: Bring in or mail all original certificates to our office

Option 1: Request certificates to be mailed directly to Globe Language Services from the University
Option 2: Bring in or mail all original certificates to our office